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It is raised from seeds, which are sold in plenty in our seed-shops. PRIMULA officinalis. COWSLIP. PRIMULA vulgaris. PRIMROSE. PRIMULA elatior. OXLIP. PRIMULA farinose. BIRD'S EYE. All well known ornaments of numerous varieties, double and single. The third species is the parent of the celebrated Polyanthus. The last is also an interesting little plant with a purple flower.

Two bushels of the seed would sow an acre; and it is sometimes met with in our seed-shops. It will grow in any soil, but thrives best in a moist loam. HOLCUS mollis. CREEPING SOFT-GRASS. Mr. Curtis in the third edition of his Treatise on Grasses says, he is induced to have a better opinion than formerly of this grass, and that Mr.

Horseflesh was declared to be nutritious, and scientists demonstrated the valuable properties of gelatine. Housewives pored over cookery-books to seek for ways of using what material they had when beef and butter failed. A learned professor taught them how to grow salads and asparagus on the balconies in front of windows. The seed-shops were stormed by enthusiasts who took kindly to this new idea.

There are many varieties of this plant cultivated in flower gardens on account of the curious shapes of the seed-pods, some having a distant resemblance to snails' horns, cater-pillars, &c. under which names they are sold in the seed-shops. It grows in sandy hilly soils; the wild kind has flat pods. MEDICAGO sativa.

GRIM-THE-COLLIER. This is an old inhabitant of our gardens, and affords a pleasing variety. HOTTONIA palustris. WATER VIOLET. This is a plant of singular beauty in spring; it is an aquatic, and makes a fine appearance in our ponds in the time of its bloom. IBERIS amara. CANDYTUFT. An annual flower of considerable beauty and interest. We have several varieties of this sold in the seed-shops.