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It was with a sensation of positive good feeling that he bellowed for the door to be opened and stamped through the cool morning to his place of labor. Mikah was already there, looking scruffy and angry as he rattled his chains; Jason gave him the friendliest of smiles that only rubbed salt into the other's moral wounds. "Leg-irons for him, too," Jason ordered, "And do it fast.

Presenting their bowls like scruffy penitents they accepted dippers of lukewarm soup from another slave who pushed along a wheeled tub of the stuff: he was chained to the tub. Jason's appetite vanished when he tasted the sludge. It was krenoj soup, and the desert tubers tasted even worse he hadn't thought it was possible when served up in a broth.

Thus the inhabitants of mountain districts imbibe, as it were, a certain bold and daring character of expression from the scenery, very different from the placid and monotonous look of those who dwell in plains and valleys; and I can certainly credit the theory in this instance, for every man, woman, and child you meet has a brown, baked, scruffy, turf-like face, that fully satisfies you that if Adam were formed of clay the Philipstown people were worse treated and only made of bog mould.

"It is a distinct pleasure to see something beside black defeat around here. I'll go along with you." "Well, you can help me right now. I checked the personnel roster and discovered that out of the twenty-eight people working here there isn't a physical scientist of any kind other than yourself." "A scruffy bunch of button-pushers and theoreticians.

An' when he'd git the blues, 'n' feel kind o' scruffy, 'n' aggravated 'n' disgusted knowin' as he did, that the bills was runnin' up all the time an' we warn't makin' a cent he would curl up on a gunny-sack in the corner an' go to sleep.

Their bodies had no hair, only the scruffy heads and thick eyebrows, the straggle of mane down neck and spine -all curly blond and brown. Their cream-colored skin was smooth and tough, and the eyes of all resembled more closely the eyes of a statue than any human's. Indeed, their very placidness was almost cold, animal in its indifference.