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When he negotiated a particularly difficult place, the crowd forebore to cheer, instinctively feeling it might disturb him. He went on higher and higher now pausing to look down and smile at the sea of upturned faces below and, in a moment of bravado, even daring to pause, and hanging on by one hand and one foot, "scissor out" his other limbs and wave a tiny flag which he carried.

There was one curious effect, which I need not take the trouble to describe because I can scissor a description of it out of the railway company's advertising pamphlet, and save my ink: "On the whole tour, particularly at the Descent, we undergo an optical illusion which often seems to be incredible.

It was to play my life upon one card: should I not mortally wound him, no defence would be left me; what was yet more appalling, I thus ran the risk of bringing my own face against his scissor with the double force of our assaults, and my face and eyes are not that part of me that I would the most readily expose. 'Allez! said the sergeant-major.

It was to play my life upon one card: should I not mortally wound him, no defence would be left me; what was yet more appalling, I thus ran the risk of bringing my own face against his scissor with the double force of our assaults, and my face and eyes are not that part of me that I would the most readily expose. "Allez!" said the sergeant-major.

Probably nothing short of light artillery would leave much effect." "I dare say," replied Bearwarden, "we had better give the unknown quantity a wide berth, though I would give a year's salary to see what it is like. The absence of other tracks shows that his confreres leave 'Scissor- jaw' alone."

Pore little feller! Pore little innercent sheep that never done no harm to nobody!" It would have looked, to any casual passerby, a pleasant family group that occupied the front porch at the Scissor Ranch house one breezy morning. There was Mrs. Rathburn in a wide-brimmed hat, plying her embroidery needle and looking, from afar, the picture of contentment.