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To quote from the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, Leo "entered upon a pontificate which was to be epoch-making for the centralization of the government of the church." Political causes combined to advance the claims of the papacy to universal recognition.

A concise account of the voluminous literature on this subject maybe found at the close of the article JESUS CHRIST by Zockler in Schaff-Herzog, Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. August Neander, Das Leben Jesu Christi, 1837, wrote in opposition to the attitude taken by Strauss. Both of these works have been translated into English.

Bible Encyclopedia: "Usury, a premium received for a sum of money over and above the principal." Schaff-Herzog: "Usury, originally, any increase on any loan." This was the usage of the word usury by the great masters of the English language, like Shakespeare and Bacon, in their day, and is still given as the first definition by the lexicographers of the present. Webster, 1890 edition: "Usury, 1.

Schaff-Herzog says: "All the apostolic fathers condemned the taking of usury." The Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge declares the same. Chrysostom said: "Nothing is baser in this world than usury, nothing more cruel." Basil describes a scene so real that we can scarcely realize that he wrote over fifteen hundred years ago.