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Mizzoo was one of the men whose duty it was to ride the line all night the line that the young man had guarded all day to keep Walker's cattle from drifting. "Come on, Mizz," called the young man, as the other swung upon his broncho, "I'm going back with you." The lean, leather-skinned, sandy-mustached cattleman uttered words not meet for print, but expressive of hearty pleasure.

As to whom Cotton and Gallup were monopolizing there was no doubt, but I had a curiosity to notice what Scales would do when placed between two fires. But not for nothing had he cultivated the acquaintance of a sandy-mustached young ranger, who was at that moment entertaining Suzanne Vaux in an alcove at the farther end of the veranda.

"You countrymen will have to kill off a few of your skittish horses," observed a stout, sandy-mustached man, one of the two who had left the car. "If you don't, they're liable to kill you." "I don't think there's any great danger of that as long as a man knows how to handle them properly," said Frank, as he patted the neck of his own horse.

A city marshal, Tom Poole, a long, slim, Sandy-mustached Missourian, completes the picture of Eagle Butte. Regularly he meets the arriving trains and by the glistening three-inch nickel star pinned to his left suspender announces to the traveling world that here, on the one time woolly Kiowa, law and order at last prevail.