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Presently a strip of canvas fluttered in the breeze, and Long Jim stood up, with a sail-needle and a length of sail-twine in his teeth, and cut out a square of tarpaulin on the deck. "Look at the cockney," I said to Riggs. "I can't make out what he is up to." He studied the sailor for a minute, and then drew back and whispered: "Sewing sacks to carry the gold away.

He pulled out the drawer of this table, and found there a palm and needle and some sail-twine. We were making awnings for your brig, as you had asked me last voyage before you left. He knew, of course, where to look for what he wanted. By his orders they laid me out on the floor, wrapped me in my hammock, and he started to stitch me in, as if I had been a corpse, beginning at the feet.

Selfridge had arisen and was also staring, not at Rowland, but at the child, who, seated in the lap of the big Captain Barry, was looking around with wondering eyes. Her costume was unique. A dress of bagging-stuff, put together as were her canvas shoes and hat with sail-twine in sail-makers' stitches, three to the inch, covered skirts and underclothing made from old flannel shirts.

He walked easily and with strength, a testimonial to the virtues of Mr. Pike's rough surgery. My eyes kept returning to the canvas-covered body of Christian Jespersen, and to the Japanese who sewed with sail-twine his sailor's shroud. One of them had his right hand in a huge wrapping of cotton and bandage. "Did he get hurt, too?" I asked. "No, sir. He's the sail-maker. They're both sail-makers.

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