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"At once Rosenfelt questioned in his mind, could Biggs have guessed the movement by which he was menaced? Was he endeavoring to forestall it, or was this one of those encounters between pickets? Or had Mrs. Houghton brought to him the correct information? He at once sent to have her brought to him.

Hennessy. "Sure," said Mr. Dooley. "He cured Teddy Rosenfelt iv boltin'." ON A SPEECH BY PRESIDENT McKINLEY. "I hear-r that Mack's in town," said Mr. Dooley. "Didn't ye see him?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "Faith, I did not!" said Mr. Dooley.

'Tis as preecaryous as a steeple jack's, an' no more permanent thin a Rosenfelt holdover undher Taft. If a king goes out an' looks haughty some wan iv his subjicks fires a gas pipe bomb at him, an' if he thries to be janial he's li'ble to be slapped on th' back in th' paddock an' called 'Joe. "Look at me frind, Abdul Hamid.

Day and my son Jackson said to the General: 'Perhaps he is with Rosenfelt, assisting him in reorganizing the army in Chatteraugus. Matters were really too serious for jokes to be very amusing or interesting at that time, so the conversations on the subject of Ham and his whereabouts ceased. The next day they marched to Chatteraugus without disturbance from the enemy. Gen.

The understanding with them is that they must crush your army before re-enforcements arrive to your support from the Army of the West, that army having cleared that portion of the country of the enemy. "Rosenfelt said: 'If you had seen the army and made an estimate of its strength, I would then have no doubt, but I am persuaded that you are mistaken as to the whole rebel army being at Fayette.