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This helped to make it seem like a den. There were roller-towels in the corner and wash-basins, and a grindstone which made it seem like a barn. It was, in fact, more cheerless than a barn, and less wholesome. "Doesn't that hay in the bunks get a a sometimes?" asked Field. "Well, yes, I shouldn't wonder, though the men are pretty strict about that. They keep pretty free from bugs, I think.

He knew how to pin a Rube against the Wall and make him say "Yes." He rode in Cabooses, fought the Roller-Towels, endured the Taunts of Ess, Bess, and Tess who shot the Sody Biscuit, and reclined in the Chamber of Horrors, entirely surrounded by Wall-Paper, but what cared he? He was salting the Spon. He was closing in on the Needful.

Two or three large covered stone jars for pickles. One deep one for bread. One earthen teapot. One dozen pop-over cups. One dozen custard-cups. Measuring-cup. Scrubbing and blacking brushes. Soap-dish. Knife-board. Vegetable-cutters. Pastry-brush. Egg-basket. Market-basket. Broom. Brush. Dust-pan. Floor and sink cloths. Whisk-broom. Four roller-towels. Twelve dish-towels.

In a drawer or cupboard should be placed cotton table-cloths for kitchen use; nice crash towels for tumblers, marked T T; coarser towels for dishes marked T; six large roller-towels; a dozen hand-towels, marked H T; and a dozen hemmed dish-cloths with loops.

I expected that she was going to lead me to one of those little cisterns 'fountains' in French attached to the wall, that one sees throughout Guyenne, and which have come down almost unchanged in form, as well as the roller-towels that often go with them, from the feudal castles of the twelfth century; but I was wrong. She led me to a bucket.