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Then when I think of these things, I long to get away from this imprisonment; to revalue things in a new light; to see and to understand. But as you pass away from this torture room and this execution ground a sullen anger seizes you. Why should so many be called why should we die thus in a hole?... 6th July, 1900. I have always found that there is a corrective for everything in this world.

It is only in quite recent days that a thoroughgoing attempt has been made to revalue all the old standards of morality. And the attempt is made from a point of view which is certainly not altruistic. The Utilitarian writers of last generation, if they admitted the conflict of egoism and altruism, weighted every consideration on the side of altruism.

To this proposition I replied that there was no objection, provided my services were also revalued as he seemed disposed to revalue his dollar; so that, setting aside the offers which had induced me to leave Chili, I would make a new offer, which should not only compensate for the difference in dispute, but leave a considerable surplus on my side into the bargain.

When the last curtain falls, and rises again on the scenery of Peace, shall we have to revalue everything? Surely not the fundamental truths; these reflections on the spirit which underlie all true effort in dramatic art may stand much as they were framed, now five years ago.