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The result of K.'s washing his hands of the Air is that the Admiralty run that element entirely. Samson is Boss. He has brought with him two Maurice Farmans and three B.E.2s. The Maurice Farmans with 100 H.P. Renaults; the B.E.2s with 70 Renaults. These five machines are good although one of the B.E.2s is dead old. Also, he brought eight Henri Farmans with 80 Gnome engines.

Can you not guess? Something about an eagle and a rock it does not begin with eagle in English, but something very like it in Scotch." "You cannot mean young Earnscliff, Lucy?" said Miss Vere, blushing deeply. "And whom else should I mean," said Lucy. "Jaffiers and Pierres are very scarce in this country, I take it, though one could find Renaults and Bedamars enow."

In England there was the Green engine, but the outbreak of war found the Royal Flying Corps with 80 horse-power Gnomes, 70 horse-power Renaults, and one or two Antoinette motors, but not one British, while the Royal Naval Air Service had got 20 machines with engines of similar origin, mainly land planes in which the wheeled undercarriages had been replaced by floats.

He took them because they were new and there was nothing else new; but they are no use for war. Two B.E.2C.s with 70 Renaults: these are absolutely useless as they won't take a passenger. One Broguet 200 H.P. Canton engine; won't fly. Two Sopwith Scouts: 80 Gnome engines; very old and can't be used owing to weakness of engine mounting.