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Luckily the Prince General interrupted their dispute, and reconciled them, speaking in French; what he said to them I know not, but that reconciliation was only ashes over live coals: for Rejtan took the matter to heart, bided his time, and promised to play the German a good trick. This trick he almost atoned for with his own life, but he played it the next day, as I will tell you immediately.”

I saw it myself, when Rejtan, the deputy to the Diet, went hunting with the Prince de Nassau in the forests of Naliboki. Those lords were not jealous of the fame of an untitled gentleman, but were the first to propose his health at table, and gave him countless splendid presents, and the hide of the boar that had been slain.

Telimena’s plans for the chaseThe little gardener is prepared for her entry into the great world, and listens to the instructions of her guardianThe hunters’ returnGreat amazement of Thaddeus—A second meeting in the Temple of Meditation and a reconciliation made easy by the mediation of antsConversation at table about the huntThe Seneschal’s tale of Rejtan and the Prince de Nassau interruptedPreliminaries of peace between the two factions also interruptedApparition with a keyThe brawlThe Count and Gerwazy hold a council of war.

The Seneschal was eager to make peace between the estranged young men by citing wise examples, so he began to recount the story of the wild boar of the forests of Naliboki, and of the quarrel between Rejtan and the Prince de Nassau;222 but meanwhile the guests had finished eating their ices and were going outside the castle into the yard, to enjoy the fresh air.