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It is God’s peculiar sovereignty, that his will is a rule ruling, but not ruled, and that therefore a thing is good because God will have it to be good. Man’s will is only such a rule as is ruled by higher rules, and it must be known to be norma recta before it can be to us norma recti. But the former we have proved by strong reasons, therefore the latter standeth sure.

How many pure, innocent children not only inherit a wicked heart of their own, claiming life-long scrutiny and restraint, but are heirs also of pa- rental disgrace and calumny, from which only long years of patient endurance in paths of recti- tude can disencumber them.

"That's not quite so flattering, and would be killing, only that I feel that your opinion is founded on error. Mens conscia recti, Mr. Gotobed." "Exactly. I understand English pretty well; better as far as I can see than some of those I meet around me here; but I don't go beyond that, Mr. Green." "I merely meant to observe, Mr.

This reminds us of the story of the two rival shoemakers, who lived opposite one another, and always strove each to outdo the other in every branch of their trade. One day, one of the two painted over his door the highly appropriate Latin motto, "Mens conscia recti." His neighbour gnashed his teeth, of course, and vowed to improve on the inscription.