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Will, I mean. Will's the cattle-thief. He found him in the midst of re-branding. And he came right in and told told Doc Crombie." In an instant Elia was sitting forward defending himself. "I didn't tell him who he was. Sure I didn't, 'cos you said I wouldn't get that gold if I did if I give him away. I didn't give him away, sure sure. I jest told Doc where he'd find the rustlers. That's all.

Four weeks of continuous effort, four weeks of day-long saddle work, superintending the distant out-stations, the pasture fencing, the re-branding, which never seemed to come to an end, the hundred and one little duties which always cropped up unexpectedly; these things, in conjunction with the intense heat and the constant trouble which she held safely screened behind her smiling eyes, were not without effect upon her, although display was only permitted when no other eyes were present to witness her weakness.

He can find a certain excitement in learning the business. The 'round-ups' and branding and re-branding of cattle, these things are fascinating for a time.

This is but the beginning of the work, for the task of branding calves and re-branding cattle whose brands have become obscured during the long winter months is a process of no small magnitude for those who number their stocks by tens of thousands. At John Allandale's ranch all is orderly bustle. There is no confusion.

But Lablache, its owner, was never one to underwork his men. This was the herd which he had purchased at the sale of Bunning-Ford's ranch. And they were now being taken to his own ranch, some distance to the south of the settlement, for the purpose of re-branding with his own marks. As young Nat entered upon his vigil the golden arc of the rising moon broke the sky-line of the horizon.

Also are there subtler means, grading in skill from the re-branding through a wet blanket, through the crafty refashioning of a brand to the various methods of separating the cow from her unbranded calf. In the course of his task Senor Buck Johnson would have to do with them all, but at present he existed in a state of warfare, fighting an enemy who stole as the Indians used to steal.