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At Maryhill, in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, about a year ago, when an epidemic of measles and whooping-cough was prevalent, two mothers took advantage, for the carrying out of this superstition, of the presence in the village of an ass which drew the cart of a travelling rag-gatherer. They stood one on each side of the animal.

It is a political comedy, in which the rag-gatherer and the king express themselves in language suitable to their stations.

The living, tied hand and foot, were thrown off the bridges. One man probably a rag-gatherer brought two little children in his creel, and tossed them into the water as carelessly as if they had been blind kittens. An infant, yet unable to walk, had a cord tied round its neck, and was dragged through the streets by a troop of children nine or ten years old.

After an hour his employer told him he wasn't likely to earn enough to keep a rag-gatherer in toilet soap, but Nickie explained again that he was merely exercising his liver, and had no intention of making an independence as a breaker of road metal. Nickie's heap was right opposite the great, fanciful iron gates of the cemented residence.

"I ask pardon," says the first magistrate of the capital, addressing himself to a rag-gatherer; "I ask your pardon, if I am angry; but your conduct is so reprehensible, that I cannot speak to you otherwise." Bailly's friends were wont to say that he devoted too much of his patrimony to pleasure. This word was calumniously interpreted.