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CHINESE FURNITURE: Probable source of artistic taste Sir William Chambers quoted Racinet's "Le Costume Historique" Dutch influence The South Kensington and the Duke of Edinburgh Collections Processes of making Lacquer Screens in the Kensington Museum.

In one of these, which is reproduced in Racinet's "Le Costume Historique," there is a Chinese princess reclining on a sofa which has a frame of black wood visible, and slightly ornamented; it is upholstered with rich embroidery, for which these artistic people seem to have been famous from a very early period.

Of course he wants color that is, not theory only, but illustration, or practical examples. So you put before him Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament, or Racinet's L'Ornement polychrome, both illustrated with many beautiful designs in color, which he is delighted to find. Another reader is anxious to see a picture of "St. George and the Dragon."

In M. Racinet's sumptuous work, "Le Costume Historique," published in Paris in 20 volumes , there are reproduced some old miniatures from the collection of M. Ambroise Didot. These represent with all the advantages of the most highly finished printing in gold, silver, and colours portraits of these native sovereigns seated on their State chairs, with the umbrella, as a sign of royalty.