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Warburton said of Helvetius, whom he disliked, that, if he had met him, 'he would have worked him. Walpole's Letters, iv. 217. Croker weaves a vast web of ridiculous suspicions. From his garden at Prestonfield, where he cultivated that plant with such success, that he was presented with a gold medal by the Society of London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.

* Immediately previous to the Revolution, the students at the Edinburgh College were violent anti-catholics. They were strongly suspected of burning the house of Prestonfield, belonging to Sir James Dick, the Lord Provost; and certainly were guilty of creating considerable riots in 1688-9. They mistook me muckle they ca'd me a papist, but there was never a papist bit about me, minister.

'Your most faithful, 'And affectionate humble servant, 'Prestonfield, Feb. 17, 1777. 'Sir, 'I had yesterday the honour of receiving your book of your Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, which you was so good as to send me, by the hands of our mutual friend , Mr.

Then Miss Dick of Prestonfield reigns with solid qualifications she lacks a fortune, but is fine, young, healthy, and amiable. A visit to Holland, to finally decide on the Mademoiselle's claims, was proposed, but his father, warned in time, would not consent.

On Easter-day we find the following emphatick prayer: 'Almighty and most merciful Father, who seest all our miseries, and knowest all our necessities, look down upon me, and pity me. Have mercy upon me, O GOD, have mercy upon me; years and infirmities oppress me, terrour and anxiety beset me. Amen. 'Prestonfield, Feb. 17, 1777.

* Immediately previous to the Revolution, the students at the Edinburgh College were violent anti-catholics. They were strongly suspected of burning the house of Prestonfield, belonging to Sir James Dick, the Lord Provost; and certainly were guilty of creating considerable riots in 1688-9. They mistook me muckle they ca'd me a papist, but there was never a papist bit about me, minister.