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I answered a trifle sharply. "If I were you I should destroy it," said the mayor in his high-pitched voice. "That would be nonsense," said I, "like your burying the brass cylinder and scroll yesterday." "It was not nonsense," said Le Bihan doggedly, "and I should prefer not to discuss the subject of the scroll." I looked at Max Portin, who immediately avoided my eyes.

For when as a man has a nothink to fear of nobody, I am of a mind that a may pen his thofts to any man. Why not? Always a savin and exceptin your onnurable onnur. And ast for a man's a portin himself, there be times and seasons for all thinks. Whereof as Friar Bacon said to Friar Bungy and of the Brazen-head, A time was A time is And a time is past.

"Pooh!" said I, "what do you do for your salary except play dominoes with Max Portin at the Groix Inn?" Le Bihan turned red, but Durand rattled his saber and winked at Max Fortin, and I slipped my arm through the arm of the sulky magistrate, laughing. "There's a shady spot under the cliff," I said; "come on, Le Bihan, and read me what is in the scroll."

The 23 of October there arriued in Tercera a Carauel with aduise out of Portugall, that of 5 ships which in the yere 1590 were laden in Lisbon for the Indies, 4 of them were turned againe to Portin.

They lie piled up in the gravel pit on the edge of Le Bihan's wheat field. The men are at work yet. Le Bihan is going to stop them." "Let's go over," said I; and I picked up my gun and started across the cliffs, Portin on one side, Môme on the other. "Who has the list?" I asked, lighting my pipe. "You say there is a list?" "The list was found rolled up in a brass cylinder," said the chemist.