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Every now and then my innermost thoughts may escape me; but that will pass.... I know that you showed unusual simplicity as 'Henriette, and emotion as 'Iphygenia. Perliez's son, whom I used to know when he was no higher than that," he said, stretching out his hand, "was enthusiastic? He is, furthermore, a clever boy, who might have made something uncommon out of himself as a lawyer, perhaps.

"I do not know just how I love you, my dear, but I should always have turned to you if I had been in trouble." "Have you never been in love?" "No, I have been and am deeply touched by Jean Perliez's devotion, but I have never thought of the possibility of being happy with him." "And the other?" asked Albert, looking straight at her with his clear eyes. She did not answer at once. "The Duke?"

A tall young man, with a grave face and settled manner, approaching baldness, in spite of his twenty-three years, pressed Jean Perliez's hand affectionately. "Don't give in, old fellow, keep up hope. You never know!" Jean smiled sadly, shaking his head. He looked at Esperance, who was lovelier than ever.

He secretly took cognizance of Jean Perliez's sufferings, and a wave of pity surged up in his heart. "I will have to speak to him myself," he thought. The curtain went up, disclosing Esperance, a book in her hand, her back to the public. She was not reading. That was evident from the weary droop of her body, from the rigid gaze into space.