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Thus it is that a certain amount of starch that has been changed into sugar, of salts in solution, of proteids converted into peptones, is taken up directly by the blood-vessels of the stomach. Absorption by the Intestines. Absorption by the intestines is a most active and complicated process.

*Absorption Changes.*—During digestion the insoluble foods are converted into certain soluble materials, such as peptones, maltose, and glycerine,—the conversion being necessary to their solution. A natural supposition is that these materials enter and become a part of the blood, but examination shows them to be absent from this liquid.

The left portion is lined with a cuticular mucous membrane, and the right portion with a glandular mucous membrane that has in it the glands that secrete the gastric juice. The most important digestive change in the feed is the action of the gastric juice on the proteids and their conversion into the simpler products, proteoses and peptones.

In A, the fibrin is unchanged; in B, the fibrin is clear and swollen up; in C, it has disappeared, having first become swollen and clear, and completely dissolved, being finally converted into peptones. Therefore, both acid and ferment are required for gastric digestion. Experiment 59.

They give no precipitate. No peptones are found. Experiment 76. Into a four-ounce bottle put two tablespoonfuls of cold water; add one grain of Fairchild's extract of pancreas, and as much baking soda as can be taken up on the point of a penknife. Shake well, and add four tablespoonfuls of cold, fresh milk. Shake again.

Filter A, and carefully neutralize the filtrate with very dilute hydrochloric or acetic acid, equal to a precipitate of alkali-albumen. Filter off the precipitate, and on testing the filtrate, peptones are found. The intermediate bodies, the albumoses, are not nearly so readily obtained from pancreatic as from gastric digests. Experiment 75. Filter B and C, and carefully neutralize the filtrates.

Between sixty and seventy per cent of the cellulose is digested in the rumen. The abomasum is lined by a gastric mucous membrane. The gastric juice secreted converts the protein into peptones. In the young a milk curdling ferment is also secreted by the glands of this compartment. The digestive changes may be divided into four stages.

The ferment principle in pancreatic juice, which converts proteid material into peptones. A pimple, swelling, or tumor. A morbid product occurring in certain lung diseases. A protuberance. Formed like a top; a name given to the bones in the outer wall of the nasal fossæ. The cavity of the middle ear, resembling a drum in being closed by two membranes. Chief solid constitutent of urine.