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Presently we made out the following: "Ah! you pemi, ah! you come! What for you come? You be fine for come no pilot. I say, you hear? You hear? You no pilot. Yes, you d me, you no pilot 't all; I d you; you hear?" This tirade, which showed plainly that, whatever the profane old rascal was at, he was in right good earnest, produced peals of laughter from the ship.

Impatient of the delay occasioned by this interruption, I was beseeching the man who carried me to proceed without his loitering companions, when Kory-Kory, running to my side, informed me, in three fatal words, that the news had all proved, false that Toby had not arrived 'Toby owlee pemi'. Heaven only knows how, in the state of mind and body I then was, I ever sustained the agony which this intelligence caused me; not that the news was altogether unexpected; but I had trusted that the fact might not have been made known until we should have arrived upon the beach.

The stranger again arrives in the valleySingular interview with himAttempt to escapeFailureMelancholy situationSympathy of Marheyo. “Marnoo, Marnoo pemi!” Such were the welcome sounds which fell upon my ear some ten days after the event related in the preceding chapter. Once more the approach of the stranger was heralded, and the intelligence operated upon me like magic.

In the afternoon I was lying in the house, when I heard a great uproar outside; but being by this time pretty well accustomed to the wild halloos which were almost continually ringing through the valley, I paid little attention to it, until old Marheyo, under the influence of some strange excitement, rushed into my presence and communicated the astounding tidings, “Marnoo pemi!” which being interpreted, implied that an individual by the name of Marnoo was approaching.

'MARNOO, Marnoo pemi! Such were the welcome sounds which fell upon my ear some ten days after the events related in the preceding chapter. Once more the approach of the stranger was heralded, and the intelligence operated upon me like magic.

In the afternoon I was lying in the house when I heard a great uproar outside; but being by this time pretty well accustomed to the wild halloos which were almost continually ringing through the valley, I paid little attention to it, until old Marheyo, under the influence of some strange excitement, rushed into my presence and communicated the astounding tidings, 'Marnoo pemi! which being interpreted, implied that an individual by the name of Marnoo was approaching.