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Updated: September 11, 2024
Falconer a form of expression rather oddly indicating sympathetic and somewhat regretful agreement with what has been said. 'But, she went on, 'I can lat ye see a pictur' o' 'im, though I doobt it winna shaw sae muckle to you as to me. He had it paintit to gie to yer mother upo' their weddin' day. Och hone! She did the like for him; but what cam o' that ane, I dinna ken. Mrs.
And jist think, Steenie, there's a pictur o' the bonny man himsel paintit upo' the wa' o' ane o' thae places doon aneth the grun'! 'I reckon it'll be unco like him! 'Maybe: I canna tell aboot that. 'Gien I cud see 't, I cud tell; but I'm thinkin it'll be some gait gey and far awa? 'Ay, it 's far, far.
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