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Her will had been broken to her mother's so often that the very thought of prolonged resistance seemed absurd. She knew herself to be incapable of it. She was bound to crumple under the strain, bound to be humbled to the dust long ere the faintest hope of outmatching her mother's iron will had begun to dawn in her soul. The very thought made her feel puny and contemptible.

At Ostia Orontides found he must lay over for some valuable packages consigned to a jeweler at Antioch for the conveyance of which he was highly paid. He suggested that, as the day was hot for so late in the year, we go ashore and see the sights which, indeed, we found well worth seeing, for Ostia has some buildings outmatching anything to be found outside of Rome.

He was in an exultant glow, far outmatching the bloom on our faces when we rejoined him. I cried, 'Papa, if the prince won't pay for a real statue, I will, and I'll present it in your name! 'To the nation? cried he, staring, and arresting his arm in what seemed an orchestral movement. 'To the margravine! He heard, but had to gather his memory.

He was in an exultant glow, far outmatching the bloom on our faces when we rejoined him. I cried, 'Papa, if the prince won't pay for a real statue, I will, and I'll present it in your name! 'To the nation? cried he, staring, and arresting his arm in what seemed an orchestral movement. 'To the margravine ! He heard, but had to gather his memory.