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When Captain Balbo learned that Paul had come down after seashells and curiosities, he was delighted and invited the boy to come aboard. "O'im in the same line meself. But instead of lookin' afther dirthy, bad-smellin' sea shells, it's afther the shells of ould Vessels Oi am." Paul gladly promised to go aboard that afternoon.

A black, soggy exhaust-pipe stuck out of a hole in its side, like a nicotine-soaked pipe in an Irishman's mouth, and so natural and matter-of-fact was the entire structure that at evening, in the uncertain light, when the smoke was puffing out of its stack, and the dirty water running from its pipes, and the reflected fire from the engine's furnace blazed through the sunken eyes of the windows, begrizzled and begrimed, nothing was wanted but a little imagination to hear it cough and spit and give one final puff at its pipe and say: "Lu'd but o'ive wur-rek hard an' o'im toired to-day!"

"I don't know your name," said the Victor of the Nile with grave courtesy. "But I may shake you by the hand?" "Ye'," said Blob, mouth and eyes round. "Thank you," said the hero, taking the other's limp paw. "I am Lord Nelson." "Ah," said Blob. "O'im Blob Oad what killed Nabowlin Bownabaardie." "You've saved me a lot o trouble," replied Nelson, grave but for his twinkling eye.