United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Upon one point all parties agreed, and that was the necessity of founding the government upon force, and force naturally meant Terror. Their plea was that of Dido to Ilioneus and the stormbeaten sons of Dardanus, when they complained that her people had drawn the sword upon them, and barbarously denied the hospitality of the sandy shore: Res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt Moliri.

Better were the old life we started from, and dreams therewith, better the free days "Novitas tum florida mundi Pabula dia tulit, miseris mortablibus ampla;" than wealth or power, and neither hope nor fear, but one certain end of all before the eyes of all.

We must pardon a little to the imperii novitas, to the necessity of having universal misinformation always on tap in his inkstand. He summons emperors, kings, ministers, even whole nations, to the inexorable blackboard. His is the great normal school of philosophy, statesmanship, political economy, taste, and deportment.

And among all sorts of Princes, it is impossible for a new Prince to avoyd the name of cruel, because all new States are full of dangers: whereupon Virgil by the mouth of Dido excuses the inhumanity of her Kingdom, saying, Res dura et Regni novitas me talia cogunt Moliri et latè fines custode tenere. My hard plight and new State force me to guard My confines all about with watch and ward.