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The prisoner was better than he had expected, a Ranger who would surely know the Emperor's location. From the man's condition, it was as well he had ordered the killing to stop when he had, else he might have lost this valuable prisoner. Aboard the lander, Corina heard swearing which was interrupted by Nevan's "Launch!" command.

The voice this time was unfamiliar; one of Nevan's seconds, Medart thought. "He is injured and unconscious, but he will recover." "With your permission, James?" That was Kelly, kneeling in front of him and extending her hands. "Yeah, whatever." She touched him, murmured briefly with no effect he could notice.

Nevan scowled at that; he hated having to depend on rumor. Doing that tended to get agents killed but unless you worked in the classified section of Personnel Records or knew the agent personally, rumor was all you'd have on one. And in Owajima's case, as in Nevan's own, there wasn't even much rumor. Kiyoshi Owajima concealed a scowl when he finished decoding his informant's message and read it.

Then @'ll have to convince them @'s trustworthy enough to be allowed access to the base's defenses to determine their strength, and to communication facilities to call in a strong enough Navy force to take the base out . . . preferably coming out alive @self." Medart paused. He wished he could read the Sandeman's mind, but Nevan's shield was definitely up.