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Prometheus, set free by Hercules, is united again to Asia. And now, with the tyranny of wrongful power, "The loathsome mark has fallen, the mall remains Sceptreless, free, uncircumscribed, but man Equal, unclassed, tribeless, and nationless, Exempt from awe, worship, degree, the king Over himself; just, gentle, wise." The fourth act is an epilogue in which, to quote Mrs.

"Equal, unclassed, tribeless, and nationless"; in the unity of the truth of his spirit they are freed from mortality, they are mutually intelligible and interchangeable, they survive, racial and secular states and documents of a spiritual evolution yet going on in all its stages in the human mass, still barbarous, still pagan, still Christian, but an evolution which at its highest point wastes nothing of the past, holds all its truth, its beauty, its vital energy, in a forward reach.

And first as to the nature of his ideals. While all good men must sympathise with the sincerity of his passion to remould this sorry scheme of things "nearer to the heart's desire," few will find the model, as it appears in his poems, very exhilarating. It is chiefly expressed in negatives: there will be no priests, no kings, no marriage, no war, no cruelty man will be "tribeless and nationless."

Pointing to the human brute crouching there, made once in the image of God, the saddest wreck on His green foot-stool: to the great stealthy body, the revengeful jaws, the foreboding eyes. Soul, brains, a man, wifeless, homeless, nationless, hawked, flung from trader to trader for a handful of dirty shinplasters.