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Munjoy, turned to Feldman in amazement. "What's all this, Feldman?" Munjoy cried. Feldman waved his hand impressively. "My objection is, sir, that a gross fraud has been practised on this court.

Then you can ride again, for I'm going as far as Munjoy." So saying, the man took Prudy out in his arms. She knew it was rather odd for a little girl like her to be going around to people's back doors with a stranger in a blue blouse; but it was all for Dotty's sake. The man knocked with the handle of his whip, and a neat-looking servant girl appeared.

The one looking out toward the sea is called Mountjoy, though the obstinate Americans will write it Munjoy on their maps. From thence the view out to the harbor and beyond the harbor to the islands is, I may not say unequaled, or I shall be guilty of running into superlatives myself, but it is in its way equal to anything I have seen.

"I think my client wants to consult me outside for one minute," he said. "Have I your consent to withdraw?" The commissioner nodded and Munjoy turned to Feldman. "What the deuce are you trying to do, Feldman?" he asked as complainant's counsel returned. "If the commissioner pleases," Feldman said, "we consent to a dismissal of the extradition proceedings and to a discharge of the prisoner."

He was a natural gentleman; and it was unfortunate that just at this time his mother was obliged to send him to Munjoy of an errand. Otherwise he would have made his sister give up Dotty's hat, and perhaps would have walked home with the unhappy child himself. As it was, Dotty did not seem to have a friend in the world.