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Immediately that the prince de Conde was informed of what had passed, he recommenced his attack; and finding he could not be minister himself, he determined, at least, to be principally concerned in the appointment of one; he therefore proposed the marquis de Monteynard, a man of such negative qualities, that the best that could be said of him was, that he was as incapable of a bad as of a good action; and, for want of a better, he was elected.

The valiant Colonel Monteynard admired this barricade with a shudder. "How that is built!" he said to a Representative. "Not one paving-stone projects beyond its neighbor. It is made of porcelain." At that moment, a bullet broke the cross on his breast, and he fell. "The cowards!" people said. "Let them show themselves. Let us see them! They dare not! They are hiding!"

There were the princes de Soubise and de Conde, the duc de la Vauguyon, the comtes de Broglie, de Maillebois, and de Castries, the marquis de Monteynard and many others, equally anxious for a tempting slice of the ministry, and who would have made but one mouthful of the finest and best. The marquise de 1' Hopital came to solicit my interest for the prince de Soubise, her lover.

Immediately that the prince de Conde was informed of what had passed, he recommenced his attack; and finding he could not be minister himself, he determined, at least, to be principally concerned in the appointment of one; he therefore proposed the marquis de Monteynard, a man of such negative qualities, that the best that could be said of him was, that he was as incapable of a bad as of a good action; and, for want of a better, he was elected.

There were the princes de Soubise and de Conde, the duc de la Vauguyon, the comtes de Broglie, de Maillebois, and de Castries, the marquis de Monteynard and many others, equally anxious for a tempting slice of the ministry, and who would have made but one mouthful of the finest and best. The marquise de 1' Hopital came to solicit my interest for the prince de Soubise, her lover.