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Ah! here comes the music; now for it! Here you are, Pip; and there's the windlass-bits; up you mount! Now, boys! Go it, Pip! Bang it, bell-boy! Rig it, dig it, stig it, quig it, bell-boy! Make fire-flies; break the jinglers! Jinglers, you say? there goes another, dropped off; I pound it so. Rattle thy teeth, then, and pound away; make a pagoda of thyself. Merry-mad!

Alègre!" as Marius and Esperit first casting some fagots of vine-branches on the bed of glowing coals placed the yule-log upon the fire. Instantly the vines blazed up, flooding the room with brightness; and as the yule-log glowed and reddened everybody cried Cacho-fiò, Bouto-fiò! Alègre! Alègre! again and again as though the whole of them together of a sudden had gone merry-mad!

I know where to get scarlet toadstools, and I put the juice in his men's ale: they are laughing and roaring now, merry-mad every one of them." "But not he?" "No, no. He is with the Marquis. But in madness comes out truth; and that long hook-nosed body-varlet of his has told us all." And she told Torfrida who Hereward was, and the secret mark.

Ah! here comes the music; now for it! Now, boys! Bang it, bell-boy! Rig it, dig it, stig it, quig it, bell-boy! Make fire-flies; break the jinglers! PIP. Jinglers, you say? there goes another, dropped off; I pound it so. CHINA SAILOR. Rattle thy teeth, then, and pound away; make a pagoda of thyself. FRENCH SAILOR. Merry-mad! Hold up thy hoop, Pip, till I jump through it!