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A view of the residence of one of the master spirits of the French revolution inclined me to search out more, and therefore I proceeded to the old town, and after winding through several small streets some of them so narrow as not to admit more than one cab at a time I found myself in the Rue de L'Ecole de Medecine, and standing in front of house No. 20.

Roubaud was one of those thoroughly well-trained young physicians whom the Ecole de Medecine in Paris sends forth to the profession.

Chéron's, or the Hôtel Dieu, or the École de Médecine, I did waste a few hours now and then, I, at least, wasted them cheaply. Cheaply, but oh, so pleasantly!

Those few who, in their journey in the wilderness, have "dreamt" of a snake and made it their "spirit," become invariably "Medecines." This part of their creed alone would almost establish their Brahminic origin. The "Medecine" inspires the Indian with awe and dread; he is respected, but he has no friends, no squaws, no children.

Rue Ecole de Medecine did little credit to the school after which it was named, and it was a most unattractive crowd that usually thronged its uneven, muddy pavements. A neat gown, a clean kerchief, were quite an unusual sight down this way, for Anne Mie seldom went out, and old Madame Deroulede hardly ever left her room.

He was lodging then in a cheap quarter of Paris not far from the Ecole de Medecine. Well, the poor boy passed his baccalaureat and entered on his first year. He got through that pretty well, but then came the hospital work; and then, once more he broke down.

She had been in the habit, daily, for the past month, of wandering down the Rue Ecole de Medecine, ostensibly to gaze at Marat's dwelling, as crowds of idlers were wont to do, but really in order to look at Deroulede's house. Once or twice she saw him coming or going from home.