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His treatment of his servants was so bad that most of them had fled; and when the Mambari came, and, contrary to the orders of Sekeletu, purchased slaves, Sekobinyane sold one or two of the Barotse children of his village. The rest fled immediately to Masiko, and were gladly received by that Barotse chief as his subjects.

A large party of Mambari had come to Linyanti when I was floundering on the prairies south of the Chobe. As the news of my being in the neighborhood reached them their countenances fell; and when some Makololo, who had assisted us to cross the river, returned with hats which I had given them, the Mambari betook themselves to precipitate flight.

Procure Canoes and ascend the Leeambye Beautiful Islands Winter Landscape Industry and Skill of the Banyeti Rapids Falls of Gonye Tradition Annual Inundations Fertility of the great Barotse Valley Execution of two Conspirators The Slave-dealer's Stockade Naliele, the Capital, built on an artificial Mound Santuru, a great Hunter The Barotse Method of commemorating any remarkable Event Better Treatment of Women More religious Feeling Belief in a future State, and in the Existence of spiritual Beings Gardens Fish, Fruit, and Game Proceed to the Limits of the Barotse Country Sekeletu provides Rowers and a Herald The River and Vicinity Hippopotamus-hunters No healthy Location Determine to go to Loanda Buffaloes, Elands, and Lions above Libonta Interview with the Mambari Two Arabs from Zanzibar Their Opinion of the Portuguese and the English Reach the Town of Ma-Sekeletu Joy of the People at the first Visit of their Chief Return to Sesheke Heathenism.

Halted during the heat of the day at Mambari, where there is a small village built this season; the former one having been destroyed by war many years ago. Passed in the course of the forenoon two streams running towards Gambia. " Obser. Mer. Alt. 162 43 0 1/2 81 21 30 0 16 0 81 37 30 Z.D. 8 23 30 D. 21 46 10 Latitude 13 22 40

"No, I did not steal them," was the reply, "I only LIFTED them." The word "gapa" is identical with the Highland term for the same deed. Another point came to our notice here. Some Mambari had come down thus far, and induced the Batoka to sell a very large tusk which belonged to Sekeletu for a few bits of cloth.