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The French strain in the Malincourt family had reproduced itself indubitably, both in the appearance of Pauline and of Pauline's daughter. Would the mother's tragedy, fruit of her singular charm and of a pride which had accorded love but a secondary place in her scheme of life, also be re-enacted in the case of the daughter?

The Malincourts were originally of French extraction descendants of the haute noblesse of old France cursed with the devil's own pride and passionate self-will, and blessed with looks and brains and charm above the average. They never bend; they break sooner. And I think you've got the lot, Sara the full inheritance. "Your mother was a true Malincourt.

He never forgave her for leaving him, and when he died, he willed every penny he possessed to some scoundrelly cousin of his who is presumably enjoying the inheritance which should have been yours. "That is your family history, my dear, and it is right that you should know it and know what you have to fight against. To be a Malincourt is at once to have a curse and a blessing hung round your neck.

On the 8th the final phase in the battle for Cambrai began. The chief fighting was on the line secured on the 3rd. An American division captured Brancourt and Prémont, and British divisions Serain, Villers-Outreaux, and Malincourt north-east of Le Catelet.

He had applied almost those identical words to the Malincourt temperament, of which he had recognized the share she had inherited. And she realized that her guardian and Miles Herrick had been equally discerning.

And Pauline Malincourt, your mother, had been taught to abhor the idea of living on small means trained to regard her beauty and breeding as marketable assets, to go to the highest bidder. For, although her parents came of fine old stock there's no better blood in England than the Malincourt strain, my dear they were deadly hard-up.