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Lintseed cake has been used also for manure; and I have seen fine crops of Turnips where it has been powdered and sown in the drills with the seed. RESEDA luteola. DYER'S-WEED, or WELD. Is often confounded with Woad, but is altogether a very different plant.

This applies chiefly to birds, but even among birds there are exceptions, as we have seen in the case of the field-finch, Sycalis luteola. The love-excitement is doubtless pleasurable to them, and it takes the form in which keenly pleasurable emotions are habitually expressed, although not infrequently with variations due to the greater intensity of the feeling.

We also learn'd in the Dye-houses, that Cloth being Dy'd Blew with Woad, is afterwards by the Yellow Decoction of Luteola or Woud-wax or Wood-wax Dy'd into a Green Colour. You may also remember what we above Related, where we intimated, that having in a Darkn'd Room taken two Bodies, a Blew and a Yellow, and cast the Light Reflected from the one upon the other, we likewise obtain'd a Green.

RESEDA Luteola. DYER'S WEED, or WELD. The most usual plant from which the yellow dye is extracted. For its culture, see p. 32. RHAMNUS Frangula. BUCKTHORN. The bark produces a slight yellow, and the unripe berries impart to wool a green colour. RHAMNUS catharticus. PURGING BUCKTHORN. The bark yields a most beautiful yellow colour; and the ripe berries in the autumn produce a brilliant scarlet.

One of the soaring singers is a small yellow field-finch of La Plata Sycalis luteola; and this species, like some others, changes the form of its display with the seasons. It lives in immense flocks, and during the cold season it has, like most finches, only aerial pastimes, the birds wheeling about in a cloud, pursuing each other with lively chirpings.