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The girl put up a hand toward them as if deprecating her brother's words, and his voice went on: "You know the doctor practically told me this morning. I have had no hope all day, and all day I have lived in hell. I don't know how I did my work. To-night, coming home, I walked past Litterny's.

"However, her hopes were dashed, for twenty minutes later, barely long enough for the clerk to have got back to the shop, she was called to the telephone by a message, said to be from Litterny's, and a most polite and apologetic person explained over the line that a mistake had been made; that the diamonds had been addressed and sent to her by an error of the shipping-clerk; that they were not intended for Mrs.

Are you surprised that I laughed when the contrast struck me? Even then I wondered which was the real of you, the saint or the man, which would win if it came to a desperate fight. The fight is coming, Norman. "That's all a preamble. Here is what you must know: I am the thief who stole Mr. Litterny's diamonds." The letter fell, and the man caught at it as it fell.

Katherine's eyes were so intent, so brilliant, that Norman North went on with a pleased sense that he told the tale well: "Now begins the Claflin experience. At half past four a clerk from Litterny's left a package at the Claflin house in Cleveland Avenue, which was at once taken, as the man desired, to Mrs. Claflin.

Mrs. Claflin tied up the jewels herself, and entrusted them to her own maid, who has been with her for years, and this woman answered the door and gave the parcel into the hands of a man who said that he was sent from Litterny's for it.