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By then we may all be dead, or you may be king, or may be weary of politics who knows?" "And if I refuse?" "Aeroplanes!" "But how shall I believe you?" "Do I not pledge my life?" Grim answered. "I have said that I will go to Abu Lissan." "Allah! Why don't you send the aeroplanes to Abu Lissan? Blot the dogs out! Destroy them! Why not?" "Would it not be easier to send them here?" asked Grim.

The island of Lissa lies to the north-east of Curzola, much farther away from the mainland. The climate is very mild; palms, cactus, aloes, and myrtle flourish; and a wine known as Opollo is as much sought after as that made from Lissan grape-juice, praised in antiquity by Agatharchides. It is cut into by two large bays, to the west the Valle di Comisa, and to the north-east the harbour of Lissa.

Show me a trick that can defeat the Abu Lissan men, and surely I will call thee friend!" "Suppose we make a bargain, then," said Grim. "Taib. I am ready." "Giving pledges for fulfilment." "You mean I shall give pledges to the British?" "Hardly," Grim answered. "If they took a pledge from you that would be like signing a treaty, wouldn't it? I have no authority to sign a treaty.

The Lion blinked away steadily, looking so absurdly like Grim in some respects, and so utterly unlike him in character nevertheless, that it looked like plus opposing minus, or a strong man tempted by his baser self. "Therefore," continued Grim, "if you will promise me to raid no more villages I will undertake to deal with the Sheikh of Abu Lissan.

"There is a trick to ruling," answered Grim. "By the beard of the Prophet, that is true! But show me a trick that can defeat eight hundred men. The Sheikh of Abu Lissan plans to come against me. Those El-Mann dogs had heard of it, and so had the Beni Aroun; therefore I planned to crush them first before dealing with Abu Lissan.