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Sometimes the traction is exerted upon the plexus from below, as when a man in falling from a height endeavours to save himself by clutching at some projection, and the lesion then mainly affects the first dorsal nerve. There is tearing of the nerve sheaths, with hæmorrhage, but in severe cases partial or complete severance of nerve fibres may occur and these give way at different levels.

Calcium metabolisim in arteriosclerosis and in softening of the bones is not well understood. Patients with this lesion are seriously handicapped when any congestion of the lungs occurs, such as pneumonia, pleurisy, or even bronchitis. Asthma is especially serious in these cases, and these patients rarely live to old age.

Favourable results have also followed the use of pyocyanase, a vaccine prepared from the bacillus pyocyaneus. By some it is recommended that the local lesion should be freely excised; others advocate cauterisation of the affected part with solid caustic potash till all the indurated area is softened.

I might even be tempted to think that nature has more than once thrown down cushions to break the fall for me. Upon one occasion, when my sister died, nature literally put me under chloroform, to save me a sight which would perhaps have created a severe lesion in my feelings, and have permanently affected the serenity of my thought. Thus, I have to thank some one; I do not exactly know whom.

Real heart pains frequently occur without any valvular lesion, and also when necropsies have shown that there has been no sclerosis of the coronary vessels.

Hence nitroglycerin is one of the most valuable drugs that we possess for the treatment of hypertension, and some patients are even benefited by as small a dose as l/500 grain. Int. When there is no kidney lesion a very high systolic pressure falls more under nitroglycerin than does a medium high systolic pressure.

I let her go without protest or reproach. A mysterious lesion seemed to have taken place, I felt astonished and relieved, yet I was heavy with sadness. My emancipation had been bought at a price. Something hitherto spontaneous, warm and living was withering within me.