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Lenroot had voted "No," but a Republican colleague came suddenly to the rescue with "What about Mr. Wilson?" which was followed by, "He kept us out of war," and the jeers on the Republican side became more pronounced.

He had been named for president among the others, and the speech in his behalf by Speaker Frederick H. Gillett was an excellent one. Somehow the convention did not seem to grasp all that the governor stood for and how strong he was with each delegate. When the nominations for vice-president were called for, Senator Medill McCormick presented Senator Lenroot, of Wisconsin, in an excellent speech.

From the first word uttered in the House debate, until the final roll-call, political expediency was the chief motif. Mr. Lenroot of Wisconsin, Republican, rose to say: "May I suggest that there is a distinction between the Democratic members of the Committee on Rules and the Republican members, in this, that all of the Republican members are for this proposition?"

Lenroot further pointed out that: "From a Republican standpoint-from a partisan standpoint, it would be an advantage to Republicans to go before the people in the next election and say that this resolution was defeated by southern Democrats." An anti-suffragist tried above the din and noise to remind Mr. Lenroot that three years before Mr.

The two U. S. Senators LaFollette and Lenroot and eight of the eleven Representatives from Wisconsin voted for the Federal Amendment on its final passage through Congress. Theodora W. Youmans, president of the State Woman Suffrage Association from 1913 until its work was finished in 1920. The following were the officers for the first twelve years: Vice-presidents: Mrs. Jessie M. Luther, Mrs.