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In brief Creole prose he struck the highest key of Shakespeare's sonnets: "Was she not doing a grievous wrong to herself and Chester, to the whole coterie that so adored her, especially to the De l'Isles and himself, and even to society at large? Her reasons," he said, shifting to English, "I can guess at them, but guessing at 'alf-a-dozen convinze' me of none!"

"Ah, yes, yes. And where we are yet inhabiting, as you perceive, my aunts and me, and as you see yonder this moment waiting us in the gate Hector and Marie Madeleine!" Alone with the De l'Isles in Royal Street Chester asked, "And the business Chapdelaine & Son?" "Ah, sinz' long time liquidate'! All tha'z rim-aining is Mme. Alexandre. Mr. Chezter, y' ought to put that!

Partly for the little boy's sake three days were let pass before Aline made her announcement. There was but one place for it the Castanados' parlor. All the coterie were there the De l'Isles, even Ovide butler pro tem. "You will have refreshments," he said, with happiest equanimity; "I will serve them"; and the whole race problem vanished.

They may be no more surprising than those dear old De l'Isles, or the Prieurs, or than Mrs. Thorndyke-Smith. So let it be! Aline " "Aline-Aline!" alarmingly echoed his heart. "Aline is enough." Enough? Alas, too much!

So time and the river's great windings slipped by with the De l'Isles undisappointed, and early in the afternoon the company lunched in the two cars, under a homestead grove. Its master and mistress, old friends of all but Chester, came running, followed by maids with gifts of milk and honey.