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Skins of red deer and the tufted pelts of kyloe cattle lay on the stone floor: there were massive black oak coffers and a great wardrobe like some huge safe for coats behind us, but two broad ancient leathern armchairs stood by the hearth invitingly, suggestive of unperturbed eighteenth-century ease, wherein we at once settled ourselves.

I asked what it was, and laughing at my ignorance the man told me that it was a Highland Kyloe, one of the famous black cattle that I have heard so much about, but had never seen a specimen of the breed before. It would have been big for a bear, but certainly was small for a cow, while a goat has the appearance of giving as much milk.

KYLOE, a small Highland cow. LAIRD, squire, lord of the manor. LANG-LEGGIT, long-legged. LAWING, a tavern reckoning. LEE LAND, pasture land. LIE, a word used in old Scottish legal documents to call attention to the following word or phrase. LIFT, capture, carry off by theft. LIMMER, a jade. LOCH, a lake. LOON, an idle fellow, a lout, a rogue. LUCKIE, an elderly woman. LUG, an ear, a handle.

He rode after us with his Lowlanders, protesting, threatening, cajoling in vain. Many a remonstrance, too, made Gordon, many an opening fire he stamped out in cot and bam. But the black smoke of the granary belching against the white hills, or the kyloe, houghed and maimed, roaring in its agony, or the fugitive brought bloody on his knees among the rocks God's mercy!