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With the same startling abruptness there stood erect, where but a moment before they had seethed, a little figure, grotesque; a weirdly humorous, a vaguely terrifying foot-high shape, squared and angled and pointed and ANIMATE as though a child should build from nursery blocks a fantastic shape which abruptly is filled with throbbing life. A troll from the kindergarten! A kobold of the toys!

His first opera, 'Der Bärenhäuter' , was fairly successful, principally owing to a fantastic and semi-comic libretto. 'Herzog Wildfang' and 'Der Kobold' failed completely, nor does his latest work, 'Bruder Lustig' , raise very sanguine hopes as to its young composer's future career.

"Oh, no," cried the host, quite humbly, "I will gladly produce everything, only make the accursed kobold creep back into the sack." Then said the apprentice, "I will let mercy take the place of justice, but beware of getting into mischief again!" So he cried, "Into the sack, Cudgel!" and let him have rest. Next morning the turner went home to his father with the wishing-table, and the gold-ass.

How could she have suspected that what stirred her passionate soul so fiercely was grief at the sight of the man whom she had regarded as the stronghold of integrity, the possessor of the firmest will, the soul of inviolable fidelity, succumbing here, before the eyes of all, like a dissolute weakling, to the seductive arts of an immature kobold?

To see this abhorred sneak, this mocking kobold, step between me and my beloved, two torn and bleeding hearts, revolted my innermost feeling. I regarded what was past as predestined, and my wretchedness as unchangeable, and turning to the man, I said to him "Sir, I have sold you my shadow for this in itself most excellent purse, and I have sufficiently repented of it.