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Winckel discovered a large supernumerary ovary connected to the uterus by its own ovarian ligament. Klebs found two ovaries on one side, both consisting of true ovarian tissue, and connected by a band 3/5 inch long. Doran divides supernumerary ovaries into three classes: The ovarium succentauriatum of Beigel. Those cases in which two masses of ovarian tissue are separated by ligamentous bands.

Several observations made recently in Rome tend to demonstrate that the schizomycete of malaria does not always assume the complete bacillary form described by Klebs and myself; but this morphological question possesses no further interest for the hygienist.

When now brought under the microscope, all the septic bacteria appear colored intensely blue, while the tubercle bacilli are absolutely colorless, and can be seen as clearly as in the pure potash lye. We may add, however, that Klebs considers his own method preferable. As the whole procedure does not take longer than ten minutes, it is to be recommended in general practice.

About that time, however, two scientists, Klebs and Loeffler, discovered that, by taking some of the membrane, or tough growth that forms in the throat in this disease, and by rubbing it over a plate of gelatin jelly, they could grow on that gelatin a particular kind of germ. This germ, or bacillus, they then put into the throats of guinea pigs, and found that it would give them diphtheria.

It was only in 1879 that Klebs and myself, after having been thoroughly freed, by a long series of preparatory studies, from the unfortunate paludal idea, undertook together some investigations in malarious districts of the most varied character, marshy and not marshy. We employed the system of fractional cultivation, making experiments on animals with the final products thus obtained.