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According to Sze-mg Khien the marquis of Khung had slandered the lord of Kau, who was president of the states of the west, to Kau-hsin, the king of Shang, and our hero was put in prison. His friends succeeded in effecting his deliverance by means of various gifts to the tyrant, and he was reinstated In the west with more than his former power.

The names of ten of his disciples are given, all of them men of eminence, and among them Khung An-kwo. When the Catalogue of the Sui Library was made, none of them were existing. The text of Khi. ii. The Han Catalogue mentions five different works on the Shih of Khi.

Along with your 'brethren, Get ready your scaling ladders, And your engines of onfall and assault, To attack the walls of Khung . Khung was a state, in the present district of Hu, department Hsi-an, Shen-hsi. His conquest of Khung was an important event in the history of king Win. He moved his capital to it, advancing so much farther towards the east, nearer to the domain of-Shang.

Fang had, probably, been the capital of Khung, and Wan removed to it, simply making the necessary repairs and alterations. A sovereign true was the royal prince! His royal merit was brightly displayed By those walls of Fang. A sovereign true was the royal prince! A sovereign true was the great king

Three years afterwards he attacked the marquis of Khung. So far the siege was prosecuted slowly and, so to say, tenderly, Wan hoping that the enemy would be induced to surrender without great sacrifice of life. The sacrifice to God had been offered in Kau, at the commencement of the expedition; that to the Father of War, on the army's arriving at the borders of Khung.

Mencius was reared by his widowed mother, whose virtue and wisdom are still proverbial in China. The first forty years of his life are virtually a blank to us, so that we know very little of his early education. He is said, however, to have studied under Khung Chi, the grandson of Confucius.