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It is mottled with red and green, like the New Red Sandstone or Keuper, from which it has clearly been derived.

In Wurtemberg there are two bone-beds, namely, that containing the Microlestes, which has just been described, which constitutes, as we have seen, the uppermost member of the Trias, and another of still greater extent, and still more rich in the remains of fish and reptiles, which is of older date, intervening between the Keuper and Muschelkalk.

In Germany, as before hinted, chapter 21, the Trias first received its name as a Triple Group, consisting of two sandstones with an intermediate marine calcareous formation, which last is wanting in England. Keuper: Marnes irisees: Saliferous and gypseous shales and sandstone. Muschelkalk: Muschelkalk, ou calcaire coquillier: Wanting in England.

In 1863, England declared war against Japan; blockaded the Inland Seas with a combined squadron of English, French, Dutch, and American ships, acting under the orders of Admiral Keuper, stormed and captured Simonoseki, and burnt Kagosima, the capital of the prince of Satsuma. Having brought the Japanese to their senses, we demanded of them a war indemnity, half of which was to be paid by Satsuma.

Bunter-sandstein: Gres bigarre: Sandstone and quartzose conglomerate. Equisetites columnaris. The first of these, or the Keuper, underlying the beds before described as Rhaetic, attains in Wurtemberg a thickness of about 1000 feet. It is divided by Alberti into sandstone, gypsum, and carbonaceous clay-slate.

Left palate, maxillary. Under surface. b. In the Upper Trias or Keuper the remains of two saurians of the order Lacertilia have been found. The one called Rhynchosaurus occurred at Grinsell near Shrewsbury, and is characterised by having a small bird-like skull and jaws without teeth.

At the base of the formation beneath the rock- salt occur the Lower Sandstones and Marl, called provincially in Cheshire "water-stones," which are largely quarried for building. They are often ripple- marked, and are impressed with numerous footprints of reptiles. The basement beds of the Keuper rest with a slight unconformability upon an eroded surface of the "Bunter" next to be described.

The plants consist chiefly of zamites, calamites, equiseta, and ferns, and, upon the whole, are considered by Professor Heer to have the nearest affinity to those of the European Keuper. The equiseta are very commonly met with in a vertical position more or less compressed perpendicularly. It is clear that they grew in the places where they are now buried in strata of hardened sand and mud.

We might, however, have anticipated, from its rich reptilian fauna, that the contemporaneous inhabitants of the sea of the Keuper period would be very numerous, should we ever have an opportunity of bringing their remains to light. This, it is believed, has at length been accomplished, by the position now assigned to certain Alpine rocks called the "St.

Upper Lias, argillaceous, with Ammonites striatulus. FOREIGN. Keuper beds of Germany. Cassian or Hallstadt beds, with rich marine fauna. BRITISH. Wanting. FOREIGN. Muschelkalk of Germany. BRITISH. Bunter or Lower New Red sandstone of Lancashire and Cheshire. FOREIGN. Bunter-sandstein of Germany. BRITISH. Upper Permian of St. Bees' Head, Cumberland. FOREIGN. Dark-coloured shales of Thuringia.