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Kepp's parlour was not very remote from the Captain's arm-chair he drew on the stoutest of his varnished boots and there were none of them very stout now buttoned his perfect overcoat, adjusted his hat before the looking-glass, and sallied forth, umbrella in hand, to make his way westward.

But to be found like that, and to lie in some riverside deadhouse down by Wapping, with a ghastly placard rotting on the rotting door, and nothing but ooze and slime and rottenness round about one waiting to be identified! And who knows, after all, whether a dead man doesn't feel that sort of thing?" Kepp's shabby parlour was odious to him.

It was only during the slow monotonous hours of his convalescence, when he lay upon the poor faded little sofa in Mrs. Kepp's parlour the sofa that was scarcely less faded and feeble than himself it was then, and then only, that he discovered the loveliness of the face which had been so often bent over him during his delirious wanderings.

Kepp's bill; while, if she ventured to mention the subject to him when his purse was scantily furnished, he would ask her fiercely how he was to satisfy her mother's extortionate claims when he had not so much as a sixpence for his own use. Mrs. Kepp's bill was never paid, and Mary Anne never saw her mother's face again. Mrs.

He might have been flattered and pleased by Miss Kepp's agitation; but he was ill and peevish; and having all his life been subject to a profound antipathy to feminine tearfulness, the girl's display of emotion annoyed him. "Is it to be yes, or no, my dear?" he asked, with, some vexation in his tone. Mary Anne looked up at him with tearful, frightened eyes.