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In Germany there is not, at all events as yet, sufficient distinction between the classes to make the struggle for position the life and death affair it is in England. Beyond the landed aristocracy, whose boundaries are impregnable, grade hardly counts. Frau Professor and Frau Candlestickmaker meet at the Weekly Kaffee-Klatsch and exchange scandal on terms of mutual equality.

Theatres with early hours, the maid coming for me with a lantern at nine o'clock, the frequent Kaffee-klatsch, the delightful afternoon coffee at the Georgen-garten, the visits to the Zoological gardens, where we always took our fresh rolls along with our knitting-work in a basket, and then sat at a little table in the open, and were served with coffee, sweet cream, and butter, by a strapping Hessian peasant woman all so simple, yet so elegant, so peaceful.

Brunswick Its beauty High level of culture The Brunswick Theatre Its excellence Gas vs. electricity Primitive theatre toilets Operatic stars in private life Some operas unknown in London Dramatic incidents in them Levasseur's parody of "Robert" Some curious details about operas Two fiery old Pan-Germans Influence of the teaching profession on modern Germany The "French and English Clubs" A meeting of the "English Club" Some reflections about English reluctance to learn foreign tongues Mental attitude of non-Prussians in 1875 Concerning various beers A German sportsman The silent, quinine-loving youth The Harz Mountains A "Kettle-drive" for hares Dialects of German The odious "Kaffee-Klatsch" Universal gossip Hamburg's overpowering hospitality Hamburg's attitude towards Britain The city itself Trip to British Heligoland The island Some peculiarities Migrating birds Sir Fitzhardinge Maxse Lady Maxse The Heligoland Theatre Winter in Heligoland.