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He turned from the barrier which left him undismayed. A great light was shining in his eyes as he passed Julyman by. They rested eagerly, questioningly, upon the unemotional face of Oolak whose keen understanding he knew to be profound. "Well?" he demanded in the fashion of a man aware that his question is not in vain. Oolak turned.

All same him sleep sleep sleep, when snow comes," Julyman sucked deeply at his pipe and spoke through a cloud of tobacco smoke. "Julyman not lie. Oh, no. Him all true. When Julyman young man very young him father tell him of Land of Big Fire. Him say all Indian man sleeping so." He leant over sideways, with his hands pressed together against his cheek to illustrate his meaning.

What then if this bunch hits up against the fort while we're away? Oh, I'm not thinking of our 'claim. It's An-ina. The soul who's handed over her life to us. The woman who's nursed you ever since you were born. And who'd give up her life any hour of the day or night if she guessed it would help you. Can we leave her to Julyman? You best tell me how you think just how you think."

There's not a living soul, not even Julyman, or Oolak, or An-ina, could ever make it without me. And I tell you right here there's no one ever learns it from me. That secret is for Marcel, and I figure to hand it to him, and all that's coming out of it. That's why I've told you these things.