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She did not want Bess to take up Lispeth's no doubt well meant but rather embarrassing suggestion that they should practise together, and was quite ready with an excuse if it should be proposed. "It's the turn of the Sixth now," she jodelled. "VB. haven't done anything yet; I'll call one of them in," said Lispeth, stepping out to the landing.

Then came the descent, Godfrey supported on the shoulder of the stalwart Karl, who, full of delight at this great escape from tragedy, and at having a tale to tell which would last him for the rest of his life, "jodelled" spontaneously at intervals in his best "large-tip" voice, and occasionally skipped about like a young camel, while "Monsieur with the weak heart" was carried in a chair provided to bear elderly ladies up the lower slopes of the Alps.

It resolved itself into Diana Diana with scarlet cheeks, shining eyes, and face simply bubbling over with excitement. "Hallo! I say!" she jodelled, "What do you think?" Then she saw Geraldine, and halted dead. "Come here!" commanded the head girl. "I want to talk to you too about this absurd spook scare.

The Dutchman's motive is not so much sung as jodelled by Senta; the Montsalvat music is rather orchestral than vocal; all the motives in Tristan are either orchestral or declamatory. In saying this I do not at all underrate the other operas: simply I wish to point out the very marked difference in the quality of the music. The Mastersingers is a long song, and the first act the first verse of it.