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Jemison's flats, which are two miles and a quarter long, and from eighty to one hundred and twenty rods wide, lying mostly on the west side of the river. Near the upper end of these flats is the Great Slide. From Gardow you ascend the river five miles to the lower falls, which are ninety-three feet perpendicular. These falls are twenty rods wide, and have the greatest channel on the east side.

Jemison's memory ought not to be charged with treachery, for not having been able to distinguish accurately, after the lapse of sixty years, between the circumstances of one engagement and those of another.

Clute's, and settled the affair by Jemison's agreeing never to use that club again. Having satisfactorily found out the friendly disposition of my cousin towards me, I got him off my premises as soon as possible. Another Family Affliction. Her son John's Occupation. He goes to Buffalo Returns. Great Slide by him considered Ominous Trouble, &c.

They make a Treaty. Bounty offered for Scalps. Return richly dressed and equipped. In 1776 they kill a man at Cautega to provoke the Americans. Prisoners taken at Cherry Valley, brought to Beard's Town; redeemed, &c. Battle at Fort Stanwix. Indians suffer a great loss. Mourning at Beard's Town. Mrs. Jemison's care of and services rendered to Butler and Brandt.