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They went down the other side to Panboro and there linked up with an eastbound freight that the Hercules 0001 snatched over the mountain to Hammon at a pace slightly exceeding forty-five miles an hour at least twice the speed that any two oil-burning locomotives could attain. As for the Jandels, they were not in the same class at all with Tom Swift's locomotive!

"It looks as if the expense account would run the highest," admitted the financial manager. "All right. Maybe that is so. But I'll spend the last cent I've got to perfect this patent. I am going to beat the Jandels if it is humanly possible to do so." "I can only hope you will, Tom. Why, this track and the overhead trolley equipment is going to cost a small fortune.

The Jandels locomotive had been found to be a failure on the sharp grades; so the extension of the trolley system had been abandoned. But there was one steep grade between Hammon and Cliff City that had been completed.

"I don't know what your speed tests will show, Mr. Swift," said the railroad president, with added enthusiasm. "But if those parts will do what you say they have already done, you've got the Jandels beat a mile! I'm for you, strong. Yes, sir! like your friend, Newton, here, I believe that you have hit the right track. You are going to triumph." But Tom's triumph did not come at once.

"Some Mallet locomotives of the oil-burning type have achieved from eighty-five to ninety-five miles an hour with a heavy load behind them. They are very powerful machines. The Mogul mountain climbers are powerful, too, although they are not built for speed. "The electric Goliaths built for the C. M. & St. P., and the Jandels, are both very speedy under certain conditions.