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Updated: December 8, 2024
Marguerite, twelve miles; past Les Jambons, twelve miles more; past the River of Rocks and La Pentecote, fifteen miles more; into the little hamlet of Dead Men's Point, behind the Isle of the Wise Virgin, whither the amateur doctor had been summoned by telegraph to attend a patient with a broken arm forty-three miles for the first day's run! Not bad.
'I've been thinkin' that's th' on'y way it can be made fit to live in f'r a man fr'm Chicago, where th' jambons come fr'm, says I, lavin' th' stand." "Arrah, what ar-re ye talkin' about?" demanded Mr. Hennessy. "Ye niver got a peek in th' dure." "What have you been doin'?" Mr. Dooley asked, disregarding the interruption. "I wint out to see th' rowlin' mills," said Mr. Hennessy.
Upon a mossy bank beneath a tree, a cushion was placed for the King, and before it on the sward was laid a cloth spread with many dainties, including "Neats' tongues powder'd well, and jambons of the hog, With sausages and savoury knacks to set men's minds agog" cold capons, and pigeon pies. Close at hand was a clear cold spring, in which numerous flasks of wine were immersed.
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